Browsing CategoryOnline Tools

Receive FREE UPS Delivery Alerts + More with UPS My Choice

Did you know you can sign up for UPS My Choice and you can get delivery alerts, approx. delivery times, route package to will call for pick up, electronically sign for package if you aren’t going to be home, and more? I love it! I shop online very often and this is handy for not missing a delivery!

Sign up for FREE today!


(This post contains sponsored content, but my opinions and recommendations are 100% mine)

Free Online Account & Bill Organizer

Manilla is a FREE online service that lets you organize all your household accounts, such as all bills, subscriptions, reward programs, etc. You can set up text or email reminders for your bills as well. I know I have so many different accounts and keeping track of them can be a pain. This is a great idea!

Sign up for FREE today!

“This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Manilla.”

Free Online Deal Purchase & Coupon Organizer

If you buy from Daily Deal sites such as Groupon and Living Social, Couptivate is the site for you (and me)!

It is a new FREE digital wallet that securely stores and organizes your daily deal purchases from sites like Groupon and LivingSocial, as well as coupons. Couptivate brings every deal you buy and coupon you own to one, simple page, and sends you email reminders so deals and coupons will never expire or go unused. I love this because I had a Groupon Voucher I purchase expire a few months ago. I wasn’t very happy with myself!

Sign up for FREE!