Fitting Outdoor Play into Everyday

Keeping my kids active on a daily basis isn’t always easy. The days are filled with school, homework, household obligations, sports practices, etc. Not to mention all the electronics they want to play daily. No matter how busy we get as a family, it’s extremely important to make outdoor play an everyday activity.

Fitting Outdoor Play into Everyday

DIY Chalkboard Tissue Box Cover

This chalkboard tissue box cover tutorial is sponsored by Acorn Influence and Puffs. All opinions are my own. #StockUpOnSoothingSoftness

We are almost a month into the school year and do you know what that means? More germs coming into our house than ever before. It never fails, within days of going back, stuffy noses fill my house and we begin going through tissue boxes daily.

DIY Chalkboard Tissue Box Cover using Foam Board! Easy to make and would be a great gift!

Meet Dash – Our Kids’ First Robot

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions are my own. 

The kids are around technology daily and there are many times I am trying to limit their screen-time. There’s games, videos and apps that can keep them busy for days. However, one thing they were missing was a robot just for them, that is full of benefits.

Meet Dash - A Kid-Friendly Robot that helps teach coding!

Things to Do & See in Branson, MO – Mini Family Vacation

Our mini vacation to Branson was sponsored by The Branson Visitor’s & Conventions Bureau and The Women Bloggers.  All opinions are my own. #ExploreBranson

Each summer I try to pack in as much family fun as I possibly can. With three little ones, finding something to keep everyone entertained isn’t always easy. Luckily, there is plenty to do in Branson, MO. It’s the perfect location for a mini road trip vacation.

Family Vacation to Branson, MO #ExploreBranson

O’Charley’s – Kids Eat Free thru 9/5 + $50 Gift Card Giveaway!

Disclosure: I’m proud to partner with O’Charley’s Restaurant + Bar for this opportunity. I am being sponsored to help lead this campaign, but all opinions expressed are my own, and all claims and details shared can be verified by O’Charley’s Restaurant + Bar.

While I love cooking everyday and family dinners are important to me, sometimes dinner just doesn’t make it on the table.  Right now through September O’Charley’s Restaurant + Bar has a promotion perfect for the busy back to school season.

Kids Eat Free at O'Charley's

Keep-In-Touch Box Gift Idea

This Keep-In-Touch Box Gift Idea tutorial has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BTSSpirit #CollectiveBias

With back-to-school season the kids are all headed back to class and it’s not just the little ones. Older kids and adults are headed to college, often living on campus or hours away from home. It’s a whole new adjustment for families and students alike.

'Keep-In-Touch' Box - Gift Idea for College Students