How I Overcome the Midday Slump

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“Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Fiber One through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Fiber One’s Cheesecake Bars, all opinions are my own.”

Keeping a full schedule and overflowing ‘To-Do’ list seems to be my norm. There’s so much to keep up with daily and no matter what I have going on, I try to get an early start on the day. In turn, by the afternoon I tend to hit a midday slump.

Tips for Overcoming the Midday Slump

Last month, it seemed to hit me pretty hard. Since I work from home, I was having trouble turning my work off and taking a break. It came to a point that I realized I was being way too hard on myself. By the middle of the day I was over caffeinating, over working, over exhausted and not being productive.

I knew I had to change something. I kept the things that were working; lists, planners, schedules, and getting an early start. Midday is when I needed to re-focus and make a change. I found a few things that work for me to get refreshed and to get over the afternoon slump.

Tips for Overcoming the Midday Slump

1. Change of Environment – I use to try to take a break while still in my office. However, I found myself still checking emails and working. Just leaving the office for 15-20 minutes is a huge help. While it isn’t always practical for me with the kids napping, going for a walk is a great refresher.

Scented Candle

2. Unplug – With so much technology, it’s easy to get distracted or get caught up working again. When I take a break, I leave my phone in my office with the computer.

3. Scent – I found it often helps to light a candle with a relaxing scent.

Fiber One Cheesecake Bars

4. Snack – Grabbing a little snack in the afternoon always helps me get through the busy day. I have been trying to snack a little healthier, but still have a need to satisfy my sweet cravings. The new Fiber One Cheesecake Bars fit the bill.

Fiber One Strawberry Cheesecake Bars

With delicious layers of graham cracker, rich & creamy cheesecake, and the sweet flavor of strawberries, the Strawberry variety is a go-to snack. The Cheesecake Bar is also available in Salted Caramel.

5. Hydration – Instead of loading on my midday caffeine, I have been drinking more water. I definitely feel better through the whole day. Sometimes I add in a cup of tea in the afternoon as well.

Afternoon Reads and Adult Coloring

6. Read or Color – Finding an activity to do for 15-20 minutes in the afternoon is a great way to break up the day and refocus. I have been reading a new book and sometimes I get out my adult coloring book for a few minutes of relaxation.

You Can & You Will Printable Quote

7. Motivational Quotes – I always keep motivational quotes nearby. They are on every page of my planner, on my desk and on my phone. To have just a little reminder to keep going can make a huge impact.

I made this 4×6 ‘You Can & You Will’ in a few different colors so you can print one, too.

You Can & You Will Printable Quotes


Midday Slump Tips

Just taking 15-20 minutes for myself to relax and refocus is the best way for me to overcome the midday slump.

What helps you get through busy days?

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