‘52 Things I Love About You’ Ideas & Tips

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Over the summer I posted ‘52 Things I Love About You’ Deck of Cards Album, a gift I made for my husband for our wedding anniversary. Lately, I have people asking how to come up with 52 reasons I love my husband. So I created a list of over 50 to get you started or if you are running out of ideas.

It took me a while to write down 52 things. Trust me, I love my husband, but coming up with 52 reasons written in such few words was not easy. My best advice is to think about little things, be specific. Some times one thing can be broken into 2 or 3. For example, don’t just say, “You are a great dad to our kids”. You can also break it down into the little things he does with the kids: Read bedtime stories, always wants to hold them, the way he looks at them, etc. Also be creative and personal. Put something silly he does all the time or even something that mildly irritates you. Make it personal!

100+ Ideas & Tips for 'Reason I Love You' Gifts
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Here are some reasons/ideas:

  • You are an amazing Dad to our kids
  • You can make me smile for no reason
  • You always make me laugh
  • You send me flowers for no reason
  • You make me think positive when I’m negative
  • You can see the best in me
  • You cook me dinner sometimes
  • You always come up with crazy things to do
  • You never forget important days
  • You always want to be close to me
  • You send me random loving texts
  • You put your family first
  • You’ll watch girly shows with me
  • You kiss the kids & I right when we get home
  • You are always my shoulder to cry on
  • You push me to do my best
  • You can make decisions when I can’t
  • You are not afraid to be silly
  • You still open the door for me
  • You can always calm me down
  • You make yourself laugh
  • You make me feel safe
  • You make great barbecue
  • You don’t care when I’m a bum
  • You can talk to me about anything
  • You provide for your family
  • You hold my hand when we’re walking
  • You have made the last 5 years amazing
  • You listen to my stupid stories
  • You’ll make me ice cream at 11 at night
  • You are not afraid of what others think
  • You are always working hard
  • You let me sleep in on the weekends
  • You hold me the right way
  • You always kiss me goodnight
  • You don’t mind when I don’t cook dinner
  • You’re proud to have me as your wife
  • You try to help around the house
  • You read to the kids every night
  • You want what’s best for your family
  • You make a good pillow
  • You always say what’s on your mind
  • You can admit when you’re wrong
  • You stare at me lovingly
  • You like to surprise me with little things
  • You put up with my crazy family
  • You accept me for me
  • You are crazy silly cute with our kids
  • You try to better our relationship
  • You allow me to stay at home with our children
  • You kiss my forehead
  • You try to fix everything around the house
  • You’ll shop with me every so often
  • You hold me when you are sleeping
  • You always stand by my side
  • You take time to call just to say hi
  • You are perfectly imperfect
  • Simply because you are you

Ideas from My Wonderful Readers –

  • {Put a small photo your each child on a page}
  • {Add dates: date you met, date you got married, dates your kids were born, etc}
  • {Make a couple different fonts for the different reasons. Maybe having a silly font for the more silly reasons and a “serious” font for more “serious” reasons}
  • {Make the last one say ‘You said ‘I Do’ X years ago” and put the date}
  • You make our house a home
  • You don’t mind that I take up most of the closet
  • You always make me coffee when i want it
  • You are the best spider killer
  • You always take care of me when I’m sick
  • You can finish my sentences
  • You know me so well, you could order for me at our favorite resturant
  • You know what all of my favorite things are
  • You let me change the channel when it’s half time of a sports game
  • You help me do the dishes after dinner
  • You kiss our daughter (or son) goodnight and tuck her in for the both of us
  • You remind me everyday that your love for me is endless
  • You leave me notes in my lunch reminding me to smile
  • You make the bed even if I didn’t tell you too
  • You always put gas in my car because you know I don’t like to do it
  • I love how you bring me home dessert when you return from a business dinner
  • You are kind to my friends
  • You are loving and respectful towards my parents and grandparents
  • You give the best advice and perspective
  • You make any story more entertaining when you tell it
  • You encourage me to follow my dreams
  • You let me dress you
  • You still get me Mothers Day cards from our dogs even though we have a human baby now
  • You compliment meals I put a lot of effort into making, even when they do not turn out so great
  • You clean the disgusting hair clogs (of mine) from the tub drain
  • You still tear up when you think of Dakota (our fantastic dog who died 4 years ago)
  • You let me see you cry
  • You tuck me into bed and say our goodnight talk when your not going to bed with me
  • You want to spend your lunch breaks with me everyday and get sad when we don’t
  • Your always optimistic for the both of us
  • You always do the yard work
  • You’ll eat the things I don’t like
  • You’ll help me reach things on the top shelf
  • You still like to cuddle
  • You always say my cooking is great (even if its sub par)
  • You’ll give me massages even when I don’t ask
  • You always sweep off my car in the winter
  • You think your farts are hilarious
  • I love that I can trust you with my heart.
  • I love you because you love my kids like they are yours.
  • I love you because you never walk in front of me.
  • I love you because you adore my friends.
  • I love you because you make me laugh.
  • I love you because you tell me everyday that I am your girl
  • your goofy car dancing
  • that face you make when your guilty
  • you have your priorities straight
  • You still say I’m beautiful when I’ve been up for days with no makeup with the kids.
  • You let me sleep when you know the boys kept me up all night.
  • You miss my cold feet at night if they’re not on you.
  • You take out the trash.
  • You sing and make inappropriate jokes when you get nervous.
  • You don’t complain when I shop.
  • You tell me I’m beautiful even when I’m pregnant and don’t feel beautiful.
  • You go for walks.
  • You go flee market shopping.
  • I love you because you clean the goop off the dogs eyes.
  • You are kind to animals.
  • Your grin when I am annoying or pestering you.
  • You’re easy to scare.
  • You can watch a movie you’ve seen many times, and you still react like it’s the first time you’ve seen it.
  • You use sound effects to tell a story.
  • You always make time for me
  • You still look at me the way you did when you first told me you were in love
  • You call me princess
  • You open the car door for me still
  • You’ve never given up on me
  • Your here through good times and bad
  • I love your beard
  • I love your snuzzle hair. (aka bed head)
  • Our inside jokes
  • The face you make when you get caught snacking before dinner.
  • You stuck by me when nobody else has
  • You still give me butterflies everyday.
  • You listen to me complain.
  • You say your sorry when you know I am right, which is always.
  • You don’t change my music in the car.
  • You let me pick the movie most always.
  • You always call me baby.
  • love your beard
  • I love your snuzzle hair. (aka bed head)
  • Our inside jokes
  • The face you make when you get caught snacking before dinner
  • You’re not afraid to say you’re sorry.
  • You unclog the toilet so I don’t have to do it since you know I get grossed out easily.
  • You are passionate.
  • You take my breath away.
  • You proudly attend all of our children’s many activities.
  • You decorate our house for the holidays and actually enjoy doing it.

One reader’s idea instead of a book (LOVE THIS):

  • During my dad’s last deployment to Iraq, my mom sent him something like this for Valentines Day, except every reason was written on a slip of paper that he could pull out of a jar, She wanted to make one for every day until he came home, so she recruited all the kids (there are 5 of us..what can I say, military families lol). I think that would be a great idea for a 52 Reasons book! PS. He told us that he loved the gift so much, he would pull out 2 or 3 every day

**Leave a comment if you have an idea as well!

Visit ‘52 Things I Love About You’ Deck of Cards Album for more on creating the project or view Homemade Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas perfect for last minute gifts.

Last Minute DIY Valentine's Day Gifts

Here is a last minute Valentine’s Day dessert:

Simple No Bake Valentine's Day Dessert

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73 comments on ‘52 Things I Love About You’ Ideas & Tips

  • Briana

    thanks for the cute ideas!!! A couple more to add: you make our house a home &, you don’t mind that I take up most of the closet.

    • Samantha (author)

      Briana, thanks you! Those are great ones! I wanna make another set just to add those ;)

  • Skittles

    I have been dating a guy for just 2 months and am planning this for Valentines day in 2 months. He is such a nice guy it was so easy to come up with things. Once I started I realized I had way more than 52!

    • Samantha (author)

      That’s awesome and a great sign!!!!

  • Caitlin

    I’m working on this for my husband for our 3rd wedding anniversary in March. I’m up to 40 or so, but looking at this list (and the above comments) have helped me, and I know it’ll be easy to get to 52! :) Thanks so much!!

  • Angela

    I’m doing this for my husband this Valentine’s day, and 3 of my “pages” will simply be a small picture of each of our children. This is such a cool gift idea, guys don’t ever get to feel really special like we women do, so kudos to you on thinking it up!

    • Samantha (author)

      What a great idea Angela! Putting a little picture of your children would look great. Thanks for adding your idea!!

  • Sandy

    I love this idea and made it tonight. I am NOT crafty, so anyone can do this! I love your suggestions but didn’t see them until I was done. My husband is awesome, and I could have done a couple more decks. What a great way to say thank you!

  • Kristen

    Hi! I just found this crafty idea on Pinterest yesterday and have been goggling it to see what others have come up with their own creativity! LOVE the idea of putting the kids pictures in with it, and i think i’ll add a reason to their pic of why they love daddy :)

    thanks for all the suggestions!

  • Staci

    Couple more ideas that I am using…1) you always make me coffee when i want it 2) you are the best spider killer!

  • Shauntel

    Thank You!!! I love my man but was stuck at 44. It was harder to put in words than I thought it would be!

  • Erin

    LOVE this idea, but just curious, do you just put a little peice if paper inside on each card or whats the inside look lie?

      • Erin

        Thanks so much, BEST idea ever!!!

  • Andrea

    1. You always take care of me when I’m sick
    2. You can finish my sentences
    3. You know me so well, you could order for me at our favorite resturant
    4. You know what all of my favorite things are
    5. You let me change the channel when it’s half time of a sports game
    6. You help me do the dishes after dinner
    7. You kiss our daughter (or son) goodnight and tuck her in for the both of us
    8. You remind me everyday that your love for me is endless
    9. You leave me notes in my lunch reminding me to smile.
    10. You make the bed even if I didn’t tell you too

    :) Hope this helps!!

    • Samantha (author)

      Those are great Andrea! Thank you!!

  • Kristi

    My husband travels a lot for work. I am making this and slipping it into his suitcase before his next trip so he will find it at random. I LOVE doing that:) One that i will be adding is:

    “You always put gas in my car because you know I don’t like to do it”

    It’s a little thing, but I really don’t like to and he knows it! Thanks for this list. It was very helpful:)

  • Noelle

    I wanted to add one too:
    I love how you bring me home dessert when you return from a business dinner!

    • Samantha (author)

      That’s a great one! I love it! Thanks for adding one :)

  • Melissa

    I know that you use a deck of cards, but how do you cover them?

  • Molly

    wow thanks alot im trying to find 54!things that i can write for him!!
    please help me think of some!

  • Brandi

    I’m making this for my husband for our 1 year anniversary. The following are a few more of my ideas:

    “You are kind to my friends.”
    “You are loving and respectful towards my parents and grandparents.”
    “You give the best advice and perspective.”
    “You make any story more entertaining when you tell it.”
    “You encourage me to follow my dreams.”

  • Stephanie

    This is a wonderful idea and really helped me out a lot! An idea I had was making a couple different fonts for the different reasons. Maybe having a silly font for the more silly reasons and a “serious” font for more “serious” reasons. I love this idea and can’t wait to finish mine!

  • Carrie

    Thanks for the great suggestions folks. I hit a wall at # 42. Here are a few more luvs for my hub…

    you let me dress you.
    you still get me mothers day cards from our dogs even though we have a human baby now.
    you compliment meals I put a lot of effort into making, even when they do not turn out so great.
    you clean the disgusting hair clogs (of mine) from the tub drain.
    you still tear up when you think of dakota (our fantastic dog who died 4 years ago).

  • J

    During my dad’s last deployment to Iraq, my mom sent him something like this for Valentines Day, except every reason was written on a slip of paper that he could pull out of a jar, She wanted to make one for every day until he came home, so she recruited all the kids (there are 5 of us..what can I say, military families lol). I think that would be a great idea for a 52 Reasons book!

    PS. He told us that he loved the gift so much, he would pull out 2 or 3 every day

    • Samantha (author)

      That is the BEST idea ever! Thanks, I will add that idea!!

  • Tosha

    I saw this on pinterest and loved the idea! I love the lists you have going, they helped me verbalize when I ran out of ideas!

    Another good thing I put on mine were dates: date we met, date we got married, date our daughter was born!

  • Shelly

    I am getting marriend next year and when I saw this I thought that I would do this for our wedding and these are amazing ideas and just thought I would add a few. You let me see you cry, you tuck me into bed and say our goodnight talk when your not going to bed with me, you want to spend your lunch breaks with me everyday and get sad when we dont, your always optimistic for the both of us.

  • Karissa

    I just finished my boyfriends for his birthday. I am super excited for him to see it. I thought I was going to have a hard time getting to 52 but I was done before I realized it and still had ideas for more things :-)

  • Rebekah

    I love this! Just fished mine for my husband for our 5year wedding anniversary and I ended my 52 things I love about u, with “you said I DO 5 years ago”. And put the date! I can’t wait to give it to him this sat!

  • Andy .T.

    My boyfriend and I of 6+ years are going through a bit of a rough patch right now, so I decided to do this to remind us both of why we fell in love in the first place and why we’ve made it this far. We have a long distance relationship and I’m giving it to him the next time I go visit. I’ve made little things like this for him before and he has kept every single thing I’ve done.

    This was also a really nice thing for me to do for him because I was able to reminisce about our relationship. I hope he likes it. :)

  • Nevada

    Thank you so much for this list, I know I would have thought of 52 things but I’m terrible at wording so this made it way quicker. I also added the following, and I know that last one just seems gross and I tell him how gross it is but on the inside i’m laughing because he’s just a big kid.

    -You always do the yard work
    -You’ll eat the things I don’t like
    -You’ll help me reach things on the top shelf
    -You still like to cuddle
    -You always say my cooking is great (even if its sub par)
    -You’ll give me massages even when I don’t ask
    -You always sweep off my car in the winter
    -You think your farts are hilarious

  • Shirley

    I love that I can trust you with my heart.

  • Julie

    Thank you so much for sharing your list ideas. I found jotting down my own list was easier when I did it over the course of a few days instead of brainstorming them all at once. It also helped me notice things my husband did that I sometimes didn’t think much about, having lived together for so many years.

    I gave the cards to my husband for Christmas. For the cost of $1 for the cards at the 99-cent store, I was able to give him what he has told me a few times already and even bragged about to his family, is the best Christmas gift he’s ever received….from anyone. That’s much more than I ever expected, and it’s a reminder that most people crave appreciation and affection more than just about anything, ya know?

  • Taylor

    i just finished up for my hubby for a valentines day present it was so easy to thing of 52 things theres more that i have going through my head. but this list really helped me and i was able to make each one a little more personal.
    Thanks for all the ideas.

  • Crystal Nutter

    I love you becouse you love my kids like they are yours.
    I love you becouse you never walk in front of me.
    I love you becouse you adore my friends.
    I love you becouse you make me laugh.
    I love you becouse you tell me everyday that I am your girl

  • J

    Trying to get my ex girlfriend back but haven’t seen anything from guys to girlfriend/wives.Sooo can I do this for my girlfriend or am I the only the guy lol. I know my she’ll love this idea. 52 ideas is alot lol.

  • Ellie

    My fiance just got a short term job working 10 hours a nights 7 days a week, which leaves us very little time when I work days. I am going to use this idea for notes to stash where he will find them around the house, in his car, his pockets and lunch box during the rest of this job (42 or so more days). Thanks for the great ideas

  • Alicia

    I gonna do this for my friend on her birthday. It’s like half a year left, but I always starts early with gifts for my love ones to make them personal. ^^

    • Jamie Rossi

      That is so darn kind. I love your heart for your best gal friend. Crafting is a passion. In the end it’s my reward.

  • Elizabeth

    your goofy car dancing
    that face you make when your guilty
    you have your priorities straight

  • Beth

    Thank you for the great ideas

  • Alexis

    Could I do this for Christmas? I always here about people using this for Valentines Day, never Christmas. That’s why I’m asking.

    • Samantha (author)

      Yes! I think it would make a great Christmas gift to a loved one.

  • Clair

    This was so helpful! Working on this for valentines for my husband. I also added
    You still say I’m beautiful when I’ve been up for days with no makeup with the kids.
    You let me sleep when you know the boys kept me up all night.
    You miss my cold feet at night if they’re not on you.
    You take out the trash.
    You sing and make inappropriate jokes when you get nervous.

  • Lisa

    I’m so glad I stumbled across this. I think my husband is going to love this gift. The comments are great too. A few more:
    – You don’t complain when I shop.
    – You tell me I’m beautiful even when I’m pregnant and don’t feel beautiful.
    – You go for walks.
    – You go flee market shopping.

  • Shona

    I have a very sensitive gag reflex, I don’t do slimey. So….I love you because you clean the goop off the dogs eyes.
    You are kind to animals.
    Your grin when I am annoying or pestering you.
    You’re easy to scare.
    You can watch a movie you’ve seen many times, and you still react like it’s the first time you’ve seen it.
    You use sound effects to tell a story.

    • Shona

      And thanks for the ideas, so many of them were good reminders.

  • Megan Poulin

    I’m currently making this for my husband who is currently in Afghanistan right now. It will be our first anniversary next month and I wanted to do something special to remind him that even though he’s been gone for 8 months of our first year married that no matter what he will always be loved! Thank you for the ideas

  • Bethany

    How do you exactly make this happen? Like all the holes in the cards and the pretty decorations?

  • Carly

    I have a few ideas
    – you always make time for me
    – you still look at me the way you did when you first told me you were in love
    – you call me princess
    – you open the car door for me still
    -you’ve never given up on me
    -your here through good times and bad

  • Carly

    Do you think this would be a good valentine gift to give my boyfriend in high school we’ve been dating 1 year and 4 months

    • Samantha (author)

      I definitely think it would work great!

  • Megan

    This is such a great idea, I love it! A few you could add!!
    You still give me butterflies everyday.
    You listen to me complain.
    You say your sorry when you know I am right, which is always.
    You don’t change my music in the car.
    You let me pick the movie most always.
    You always call me baby.

  • Regina

    Well I’m fixing to be a new mom in October yay lol but this helped a lot and here’s another you stuck by me when nobody else has

  • Tatiana

    I love all these ideas, here are a few more.
    1. I love your beard
    2. I love your snuzzle hair. (aka bed head)
    3. our inside jokes
    4. the face you make when you get caught snacking before dinner.

  • Julio

    This has so much thought put into it great idea thank you very much .. Keep up the good work

  • Kaylee

    I’m doing this for my boyfriend for our 2 year anniversary. Except I am doing 365 of them. It’s going to take me forever, but he is totally worth the time and effort.

  • Steffy

    Awesome gift! I made it for hubby’s 51st birthday so I used card #52 for my signature and the date. (I also changed the cover to “51 Things..”) Here are some more ideas:
    * You’re not afraid to say you’re sorry.
    * You unclog the toilet so I don’t have to do it since you know I get grossed out easily.
    * You are passionate.
    * You take my breath away.
    * You proudly attend all of our children’s many activities.
    * You decorate our house for the holidays and actually enjoy doing it.

  • Rachel

    Hi! Where did you find the metal rings?

  • Lynn Crosbie

    I wrote a blog about it but geared it towards my grandkids. Keep the great ideas flowing. I am always looking for ways to entertain (and surprise) my grandkids.

  • De'Lois

    I’m working on mines now to give to my husband for valentine/23rd wedding anniversary. Love it. A few I included: I love your button nose, I love when you fry your special potatoes for me, I love the way we do bible study together, I love how we pray together, I love the way you loved my mom, I added a pic of mom. So many. I can’t wait to give to him I know he’s going to cry.

  • Nerea

    Hi! Soon it’s going to be the birthday of the boy I like. Well he is my Scout Monitor, he’s older than me and has a girlfriend. Anyway, we have a really good friendship and I’d like to make him a present like this but the reasons I write down for loving him I don’t want to be them too oversweet or too lovely (you know, he has a gf). Any help or advices for my?

  • Kaylee

    Okay, so I’m 15 and I met my best friend 10 years ago in kindergarten. Almost 9 months ago we started dating. our first valentine’s day together is coming up and i want to make this for him. i dont know what to say because he has never dated anyone before me so he’s still getting used to it, plus he’s still adjusting to being ‘romantic’ i guess, with his best friend. plus if i say certain things and his dad sees it, he will probably embarrass us for the rest of our lives. (he’s a big burly German guy and he’s terrifying) does this comment even make any sense? I’m barely awake because it 1 am… :/

    • Samantha (author)

      Yes it makes sense! I would make the different cards just fun things, that even could be viewed as best friend things. Such as things that make you laugh, or little things that make you think of each other. Maybe add memories such as being friends in Kindergarten. If you don’t want to do ‘Reason I love you’ change it to ‘reasons I think of you’ ‘Reasons you are my best friend’, etc. Hope that helps!

  • Julie

    I plan on using this beautiful idea for a wedding gift to my future husband, a jar that lasts 365 days a year, and then gets replenished. I loved reading your ideas and others’ ideas; reading them helped me think of my own personal appreciations. Thanks to all.

  • Rita

    I am Going to complete 25 years of married life next month so this would be very gret idea as I’m doing this for my husband Anniversary and 3 of my “pages” will be a small picture of each of our children.

  • Nikki Erickson

    I also added that my husband is a great dad to our fur babies, and goes out of his way to make them comfortable.
    As I am putting this together (I’m making it for B-day), I want it to be sturdy. I was considering using laminating pouches for each card, but it was going to be expensive and time consuming. Instead, on Amazon I found large badge holders that sit horizontally. They already have holes to string ribbon or put rings through, and I can layer things on the cards making them more 3 dimensional. The pack I bought was 200 for 9.98. Can’t beat that!
    Thank you for the great idea! ♥️

  • Larisa Tayler

    This was so helpful! I saw this idea on Pinterest and was having trouble coming up with 52 things. This list helped a lot and stirred up some memories! Thank you so much for this!

  • Dezi

    My boyfriend and My six months is coming up and its a few days after his birthday and a few days before my own birthday. Im doing a booklet thing for him and i love this so much it gave me ideas for my booklet. I have 120+ and there are so many more.

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