My sons always want to dig, get messy and play with their shovels. This summer has been extremely hot and with an infant, we aren’t spending a lot of time out in the heat. I have heard from people that flour and baby oil mixed creates a homemade moon sand. I decided to try it out to give my little guys a way to dig indoors.
- Flour (14 cups)
- Baby Oil (20oz)
- Container (I used a long under-the-bed plastic tote that was $8 at Target)
Simply mix the flour and baby oil and you have homemade moon sand! The measurements do not have to be precised. I used about 12-14 cups of flour and a whole bottle of baby oil. You can make a smaller batch in a smaller container if you prefer. I used a larger one because I have two sons that would be playing with it at the same time. It was better than I thought it was going to be. The texture was perfect. It can form/mold when compacted, yet easily fall apart with pressure.

My boys like to drive cars in the ‘sand’ so we make roads and hills.

They also love to make castles (I think they may like destroying them more though).

They could play with if for hours if I let them. It is a little messy, but messy is fun! Oh, and it smells good!
*A little tip, if you have any rings on, I recommend taking them off before you mix or play with it. I didn’t take my ring off when I mixed it and played with them. Afterwards I realized I had flour and ‘sand’ caked into every little crevice.