“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups Big Kid Academy. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”
Potty training is a journey that marks a huge milestone for toddlers and parents. As a mother of three, ages 5 and under, one would think potty training should be breeze. However, it definitely is not. I am down to one in diapers and even though I am ready for him to be potty trained, he still has other plans.
I ask Corbin almost daily if he is ready to use the potty. No interest yet. I don’t want to force or push it on him, however I do what I can to encourage it and keep it in front of him.
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit Kimberly-Clark Headquarters to learn firsthand more about potty training and the Pull-Ups brand. Just what I needed to keep my spirits high about getting out of diapers.
The #PullUpsAcademy event included facility tours and intimate sessions with five other bloggers, author and Psychologist Dr. Heather, and the Pull-Ups brand team. Every single person I met was full of knowledge, engaging, and just amazing.
We started they morning with the Pull-Ups history, timelines, and their innovative designs. Pull-Ups training pants were introduced in 1989 and the first of it’s kind in potty training. While potty training was already in existence, solutions were less ideal.
A little fun fact: “I’m a Big Kid Now” has been around since the launch and is still used today! The little jingle gets stuck in my head every time I read or hear it.
The Pull-Ups training pants weren’t the only things we learned about. There were also the GoodNites Bed Mats, GoodNites Tru-Fit, and other products that assisted in the potty training journey. Side note: When my little guy saw the Cars potty seat, he immediately requested it. Hopefully when we get his next week he will be even more excited and actually use it!
Through the journey and products, there are also the tips that us, as parents, need to lower frustrations.
Dr. Heather (aka @BabyShrink) is a psychologist specializing in the development of babies, toddlers, preschoolers and parents. She is also the author of Let’s Get this Potty Started. She shared some reasons potty training can be challenging:
- Familial Beliefs – Family members saying how it should be done and when it should be done by
- Perfect Parent Pressure
- 3 E’s – Eat Right, Exercise, Elimination
- Preschool Prep – Most preschool’s require students be 100% potty trained to enroll
- Different Potty Personalities – Every child is different
- Inconvenient – Toddlers don’t always want to stop what they are doing to go
- Parents Need For Basic Information – Straight forward, upfront information that is easily accessible
I have some of the tips I learned below (this includes ones that were successful with my other boys).
- You cannot force eat, sleep, and/or poop. With my older two boys, I followed their lead and read signs when it came to going number 2.
- Be neutral with setbacks. They are going to happen and using a neutral tone without accusations with help the toddler stay encouraged.
- Encourage independence. Pull-Ups allow toddlers to put the training pants on themselves. I know when Corbin puts his shorts or shoes on himself, he gets excited and he is very proud of himself. The ability to pull up his training pants just like underwear is a big step.
- There is no such thing as nighttime training. This was a very relieving tip that made me understand why with one son we used Nighttime Pull-Ups for months longer than we did with another. Their bodies develop at different times to have the ability to hold it all night.
- Make it easy and comfortable for the toddler. Pull-Ups has Big Kid Flushable Wipes that are slightly moist. They look more like toilet paper versus a baby wipe, but they are closer to what the toddler is use to.
- Have a routine. Depending on the child’s age, have them go potty every hour or so. The Time to Potty App has a timer to help remind both the parent and toddler when it is time. This was HUGE for training my older two. It really helped going hourly and kept the number of accidents down. The app also keeps track of potty activity and is personalize for the toddler.
- Utilize digital resources. Enroll your toddler in the Big Kid Academy. It is full of articles, Disney fun, offers, ways to stay motivated, and learning tools. It is also helpful to connect with Pull-Ups on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to get the latest tips and advice.
- Make it fun!! We make going potty fun and exciting and big brothers are always good for that around here. The Potty to Potty app also has interactive celebrations/games for the toddler to play and unlock after potty breaks. Little rewards, such as a sticker or 1 M&M after using the potty can also be fun.
I am extremely excited about all the information and resources I learned while on the trip. In a few weeks I am hosting a Potty Party Playdate to share everything with some of my friends that have toddlers currently in the potty training stage. Afterwards I will post all the party details here so come back to check it out!