A Fresh Start Each Morning

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Today I am sharing how I get a fresh start each morning as part of a sponsored post by NESTLE Coffee-mate. All opinions are my own. 

Mornings haven’t always been my thing. There are still some days I wake up and think, “not today”, I am not a morning person. However, the last year or so I have discovered that with each morning and each start to the day, good things can come. Ensuring a fresh start daily is important.

A Daily Fresh Start

Getting back into a schedule that works for me hasn’t been a walk in the park lately. One night I am up most the night with a sick kid or just trying to catch up on work. Then some evenings I am fighting that urge to doze off right after dinner. This inconsistency makes any morning routine tough. It also makes for a stressful start to the day.

I just cannot have that. I have been trying different things to find the perfect solution for me in the mornings. I use to get up before the kids, pour a cup of coffee, fit in some time to work and get my day in order with daily schedules and lists. That works great for me normally, however, I needed something to more. Something to help relax and inspire me to make it a great day.

Relaxing candle in the morning

What I have been trying to do each morning has actually been helping tremendously. I set a little area up for me in the peace & quiet. I recently purchased a white serving tray dedicated to such activity.

I light a candle to help create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere.

NESTLE Coffee-mate The Art of a Fresh Start #InspiringStart

Then, the coffee. One thing that will always be included in any morning routine I create is my morning cup(s) of coffee. Depending on the mood I wake up in, a nice creamer is added, such as NESTLE Coffee-mate French Vanilla or Hazelnut.

NESTLE Coffee-mate Limited Edition Art of Coffee #InspiredStart

Aren’t these amazing bottles inspiring just on their own? Coffee-mate (once again) partnered with David Bromstad to launch these limited edition bottles exclusive to Target (available nationwide through September 5, 2015). The creative wrappers were designed by David Bromstad himself, with the theme “The Art of a Fresh Start”.

For me, the bottles remind me of summer and happiness. Definitely a great visual to have in the morning.

Coffee + Coloring = Relaxing and A Fresh Start Every Morning #InspiredStart

Once I have my coffee and a relaxing scent, (but before I start planning my day) I have been taking 10-15 minutes to color. Yes, adult coloring. I came across a book one day about coloring to help relieve stress. I gave it shot and it really does help calm my racing mind in the mornings.

No matter how the day ended the previous night, I have the a new morning to get my mind right, get inspired and get ready for an amazing new day.

$200 Target Gift Card Giveway

NESTLE Coffee-mate has been so gracious to give one lucky Nifty Mom reader a $200 Target Gift Card to get inspired for a fresh start each morning!

Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. GOOD LUCK!

No purchase necessary to enter. The giveaway is open to US residents 18+. Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST August 17th, 2015. The winner will be selected via random.org and contacted by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply to confirm their prize or a new winner will be picked. If you have any issues entering or have any questions, please email me at contact (at) niftymom(dot)com.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

“This is a sponsored post by NESTLE Coffee-mate.  All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are unbiased and based on my personal view.  This prize was provided by NESTLE Coffee-mate, but NESTLE Coffee-mate is not an administrator or connected in any other way with this contest [or sweepstakes, or giveaway as applicable].” “The Bullseye Design, Target and Target GiftCard are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.”

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141 comments on A Fresh Start Each Morning

  • Lisa Brown

    My morning ritual is to make coffee first thing before anyone else gets up. Then get the house up, eat, and start the day.

  • Kelly D

    I enjoy a bowl of cereal with a cup of coffee and watch the news every morning.

  • Karrie

    I immediately seek caffeine, lol, Then I eat a breakfast bar while i read the news. Then I feed the dogs some treats..They wake me up more then the Caffeine does..hahaahha

  • Carrie Conrad

    First thing every morning I grab a cup of coffee and sit on my deck enjoying some ME time before anyone else gets up.

  • Kim Henrichs

    On weekdays I try to do a quick walk and have a good coffee. On the weekends, yoga, a walk and french press coffee!

  • charlene

    Sadly now that is it almost back to school time my morning ritual will involve wrestling a 15 year old out of bed in time to get on the bus

  • James Robert

    After my coffee before my kids wake up, I like trying to make them new things for breakfast many times. I am learning new things so they like it

  • Jennifer Long

    My coffee and my phone until i wake up lol

  • Jackie

    I like to get up early and have a cup of coffee while watching the morning news.
    Thank you!

  • cassie

    i dont have a morning ritual but i’m starting to think I should arrange one! it’s always rushed and irritable-feeling. I love the coloring book idea

  • Kim D.

    Have a cup of coffee and take the kids to school.

  • Mary Happymommy

    I go for a walk and take a shower to start my day.

  • Amy Orvin

    I like to get up early and start entering giveaways to start my day. That’s defiantely my ritual.

  • Julie Wood

    I like to get up early, go for a walk, come back and make a nice hot cup of coffee with Coffeemate creamer. It always makes my day better!

  • HS

    I kick my day off with jogging and coffee.

  • e michelle

    I love a great glass of tea and a cold melon or bannana!

  • meredith

    I make coffee and my babies breakfast!

  • Susan Christy

    My morning ritual – hit the snooze 3 or 4 times, stagger out of bed, let the dogs out, shower, coffee and off to work.

  • Rust

    My morning ritual is reading the news and my blogs while I have my two cups of coffee. Then I check the garden for veggies that need harvesting.

  • Stefanie Gladden

    Every morning I make an omelet, cup of coffee and listen to music to start off my day!

  • Laura J

    For me, I always get my cup of coffee…and take a walk through our container garden and milkweed! Love looking for the monarch caterpillars!

  • shelly peterson

    I enjoy my mornings with a hot shower and a nice cup of hot coffee with French Vanilla creamer.

  • Heather S

    I read a devotional while I sip on my coffee….it renews me every single morning :)

  • Melissa S

    I do have a morning ritual, I get up earlier than the rest of the house so I can have a cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning.

  • steve weber

    I get up and do some stretching followed by a nice hot shower.

  • Emily Smith

    Ideally, I like to get up about 30 minutes before everyone else so I can enjoy my coffee while the house is still quiet.

  • Denise

    Yes, I drink coffee first thing!

  • Kristen

    I usually just take a shower and have a nice glass of juice. (I usually drink coffee in the afternoon)

  • Jessica Beard

    My morning are mostly the same each day. I start with getting my little ones out of their beds and give them lots of hugs and kisses. I get their breakfast and read books. I eventually make myself a cup of coffee and then we start getting ready for the day.

  • Ashley C

    Hot lemon water and a little bit of yoga has become my morning ritual


  • Hideki Yamada

    It is that hot cup of coffee from our Keurig machine that creates every morning anew!

  • sonia b

    Right now there is no routine since we are in summer mode. That will change in a few weeks!

  • Annmarie W.

    To start my day off fresh, I get on the computer & go through email & Facebook…while I drink tea! Hot tea in the winter; iced tea in the summer!

  • Melissa Moreau

    Coffee spent with family around the dining room table…now that’s the life!!

  • Michelle S.

    A nice cup of coffee with Coffee-Mate French Vanilla and my morning TV show.

  • Eleanor Cooper

    I get up early, do my sweeps and then take my dogs for a walk

  • Lori A.

    My morning ritual begins with a shower for a fresh start.

  • Crystal Rogers Walker

    I get up every morning and say mt Prayer and ask the Lord to geve me a wonderful day, then I have coffee with my breakfast

  • Cynthia D

    After I roll out of bed, I lunge for the coffee. Say my prayers and get started with the things that I need to get done for the day.

  • Colleen G

    Let the dog out, then Coffee & breakfast then onto my computer to check email.

  • Autumn Jojola

    I try and make a point of getting up before my kids to do some stretching, and enjoy a cup of tea in silence before the hectic morning starts!

  • marie banti

    Every morning I wake up make a pot of coffee and just sit in the quiet before everyone else gets up. Just enjoy the morning.

  • Bonnie

    Yes, Coffee Please!

  • Heather Johnson

    I usually have coffee, tea or cappuccino depending on my mood, then I like to read before the kids get up

  • Maria

    I say a little prayer, wash my face, brewed coffee while making breakfast for the family.

  • Tama

    I am up with the chickens- literally! I let them out of their coop at the crack of dawn, feed and water them, and then feed the wild birds and the fish in our pond. Then I get to go inside and have my cuppa coffee and read the newspaper in peace, check FB, etc.

  • Tammy Shelton

    I have a cup of coffee then get my grands ready for school.

  • Kellie

    snooze, makeup, caffeine, run to work

  • Julie

    A cup of coffee and my favorite songs.

  • soha molina

    By brewing fresh coffee.

  • michelle hill

    Hot shower and ice coffee

  • Selene M.

    Check my computer for new giveaways!

  • Alyssa Mrozek

    I start my morning off with a nice hot cup of green tea!

  • Angie Fiack

    I get up, grab a cup of coffee and sit on my deck. We live on the Northern California coast, so there’s always birds and wildlife to watch.

  • Jackie s

    I always have a cup of coffee to start my day.

  • Rita a

    It always starts with a fresh pot of coffee and my Coffeemate creamer!

  • Dina Lindquist

    My morning always begins with a fresh cup of coffee! It helps me focus and get ready for the day!

  • Tabitha

    I get up and get my daughter off to school.
    Take the dog out,watch a dvr-ed show while I work out!

  • Cindy Croom

    Shower, make a pot of coffee and watch the news.

  • Christine GW

    I wish I could say I do something profound, but coffee is my morning ritual. Sometimes I start looking forward to it the night before!

  • Alaine

    Drink coffee!!!

  • Sandra

    I eat breakfast when I wake up and have a morning routine.

  • Amanda S.

    Every morning I make a mental list of goals for the day, and have some quiet time before my children wake up.

  • Sheryl Holden

    must have coffee and I read the paper and check my email

  • Cynthia Ansel

    big ole cup of coffee and my yogurt!

  • Susan DeVaux

    I wash my face first thing!

  • Michelle Washburn

    I check my email and enter some giveaways for 2 hours every morning.

  • Mikey

    Coffee and spending time with the dogs before I start the day

  • Diane Kleemann

    A glass of juice and the puzzles in the paper start my morning

  • Debra Guillen

    My morning ritual is feed the cat, make coffee and sit and read my email and Facebook page before starting my day.

  • Jill

    Each morning I have my coffee on my back porch with my two dogs. It’s our quiet time to start the day in nature.

  • libby

    Make a giant cup of coffee, feed the infant, wake up the toddler, and continue on with the day’s to do list!

  • Pat

    I take a shower and eat breakfast.

  • kelly light

    My morning ritual is a cup of coffee with cream along with my daily computer time.

  • katie collins


  • Robin Pearson

    I take my 2 dogs out first. Then make there food and make something for my honey and me. If i have oranges i usually eat one to wake me up and give me some energy.

  • Necee

    I wash my face 3 different ways every morning. It even includes a clay mask. I have to keep my skin fresh and clean to start my day!

  • Monique Hanson-Keeler

    I read devotionals with my husband each morning.

  • KV

    I listen to music while getting ready.

  • Shannon Hiebler

    My ritual is coffee and check email with my blueberry oatmeal.

  • Cathy Philipps

    My morning ritual is to brush my teeth and head to the coffee maker!

  • Mindi Eden

    1) Brush Teeth 2) Shower 3) Weigh myself 4) Coffee w/ CoffeeMate!

  • rachael

    Each morning before I leave my house, I have freshly squeezed orange juice. As soon as I get to work, I make myself a big mug of coffee with milk and go through my emails.

  • Susan Sagona

    I make a cup of coffee sit by the window to watch the sun rise then go for my morning walk..

  • Hildred Cherry

    I get up and go to the bathroom and then I pray.

  • Kim J

    Ive started walking in the morning, and it has been a great way to get my thoughts together

  • mita

    A cup of coffee and morning walk.

  • Rj

    Have my cup of green tea and check my email.

  • don cj Hodges

    That’s exactly what I do: get my coffee and put in the no fat/no sugar CoffeeMate creamer and read!

  • Lisa Williams

    I make the coffee,feed the cat,drink my coffee while watching the morning news,that’s how my day starts everyday.

  • Toni Moore

    I can’t even speak until I’ve had my hazelnut creamer with a side of coffee!!! ;D

  • Terri W.

    I enjoy a cup of coffee with a bowl of oatmeal.

  • Sonya Sanderson

    I start my day with coffee and a crossword puzzle.

  • paula

    A healthy breakfast and workout

  • jeff

    A delicious cup of coffee makes a morning better

  • Amy Z.

    I start off each morning with coffee and fresh fruit.

  • Gabrielle Tyson

    I stretch while my coffee is brewing.

  • Richard P

    A cup of Joe

  • clynsg

    I have a very flexible morning ritual, with high points to be done, but not slavishly adhered to.

  • Candace Galan-Calderon

    Shower and coffee!

  • Marci Sanders

    My morning ritual is to rise at 5:30am, take my chocolate lab for a stroll outside then make myself a cup of coffee with sugar free vanilla caramel Coffee-mate creamer before starting work on my laptop at 6am.

  • Leslie

    I wake up before everyone else, make coffee and sit on my patio just enjoying the quiet.

  • Tammy Iler

    I start with a nice cup of coffee

  • Rita Leonard

    At least two cups of coffee and then the treadmill.

  • Evie

    Coffee is always a wonderful way to start my morning.

  • Anastasia Falling

    I make it a fresh start by shaking off yesterday and looking ahead to what I need to do next :)

  • sheila ressel

    I have to feed my 4 kitties first, then I get to enjoy my 2 morning cups of coffee.

  • Amy Kasson

    I make a cup of Spearmint black tea, light a candle and an incense stick to get me in the right frame of mind to start my day.

  • Elizabeth

    My morning ritual is to first feed my 2 kitties and then make a pot of coffee :)

  • Mindy S

    I take my dogs out and sit on the patio while waiting for them. It’s nice to be outside by myself while the kids are still sleeping.



  • Denise Higgins

    My hubbie and I love to take a walk in the morning then come home and have a light breakfast

  • Michael Fritz

    Usually up around 5:45am. I go out back on the patio with my coffee. Have a seat and feed the hummingbirds that come by each morning. So many different varieties that come visit. Then around 6:30 I get ready for the day.

  • MellyR

    First I always do when I first wake up is to wash my face and get my gears going so that I can find myself some caffeine whether it be a nice cup of coffee or a cool soda. Then I find myself a bowl of cereal or oatmeal even grits n toasts to boast my energy level up before the day starts in a rush.

  • Dandi D

    Our family goes on a 40 minute walk together every morning to start the day.

  • Sharon R

    I wake up early and check emails and have some iced coffee each morning.

  • Alejandra Carreno

    I definitely have a morning ritual. I always have to have my cup of coffee BEFORE the kids wake up ;) At least I try. I usually end up having to heat said cup of coffee 6 times a day. But I always get up an hour before them to enjoy those 3-4 sips alone :)

  • Diana Scholz

    I like to wake up earlier than everyone else, and get everything that needs to be done in the mornings done BEFORE they wake up! So peaceful!

  • Brenda Haines

    The very first thing I do in the morning is wash my face, it helps me wake up. Then it’s to the kitchen for coffee and a nice breakfast.

  • sandra

    I don’t have a morning ritual per sae. just get up and go.

  • Colleen Boudreau

    I go to the gym in the mornings.

  • Sandra U.

    I have to start with a cup of coffee and then get my kids up to get them ready and off to school. Without my coffee, I am dragging the ground.

  • Kimmy Ripley

    Coffee ALWAYS comes first!

  • shaunie

    Each morning I do about 20-30 minutes of yoga

  • Dianne Hall

    I brush my teeth and then chug two big glasses of water!

  • Kenny

    Coffee coffee coffee

  • Mariaelena

    I like having iced coffee every morning. :)

  • Janey

    Brush and eat a hearty breakfast. MUST HAVE chocolate milk to start my day.

  • Adriane

    I start off with an email check while I wait for my brain to catch up :)

  • Norma

    No special ritual, but maybe I should create one!

  • Joni Mason

    I start my morning with a cup of coffee with half & half and sugar and a cup or yogurt.

  • Allicia

    I always start my morning with coffee. Typically I’ll make an iced coffee with my Keurig, sometimes on the weekend I’ll grab one from my local cafe. Without coffee, I’m not functioning.

  • amanda sakovitz

    I drink coffee and eat breakfast. Then I go for my morning run to clear my mind.

  • Bridget Merker

    I drink coffee and catch up on the news on my cell phone.

  • Kamla L.

    Brush teeth, coffee, and shower. I’m gamed for anything after that. :)

  • Gloria Tiner

    15 mins of stretching. getting the juices flowing

  • Cyndi Parrish


  • Thomas Murphy

    I have coffee and a bagel.

  • Robert Edwards

    Have my coffee on the deck

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