Thank Your Support System & DIY Ornament Envelope Seals

This post was sponsored by Hallmark Signature through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Hallmark Signature, all opinions are my own.

I have been in full Holiday mode for a few weeks now. It has taken every last drop of energy to resist that urge to hang Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving. To get into the Holiday spirit before putting up the decor, I started working on those special one-of-a-kind Christmas greeting cards.

How to Make Washi Tape Ornament Envelope Seals

Coffee Mug Obsessed + a Mug Life Printable

This post was written by me through an activation with HireInfluence on behalf of Community Coffee. Although I received compensation for participating in the campaign, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I have a slight love for coffee. I have said it many times here and across social media. It’s an everyday enjoyment for me and I am not just a morning drinker; An afternoon cup, sometimes an evening cup, and if I am working late, a late night cup of coffee will be added.

Free 'Mug Life' Print

DIY Fall & Thanksgiving Wooden Centerpiece Box

This DIY Thanksgiving Wooden Centerpiece Box tutorial has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Prep4Gathering #CollectiveBias

The holiday season is all about gathering with family and friends and making new memories. Each year our seasonal decor seems to grow exponentially. This year has been no exception, complete with this DIY wooden centerpiece box.

How to Make a Wooden Centerpiece Box - Plus a Thanksgiving centerpiece idea!

Staying on Track + a DIY Wall Pen Holder

This DIY Wall Pen Holder has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MyPureRelief #CollectiveBias

The holiday season is among us and there’s no time to veer off-track. With school, holiday activities, gatherings, party hosting and never-ending ‘to-do’ lists, things are constantly ‘go go go’. Being completely focused and feeling my best is essential.

DIY Wall Pen Holder with Washi Tape & a Plastic Tube Container

Biannual Household Cleaning Checklist

This Biannual Household Cleaning Checklist post is sponsored by Energizer. All opinions are my own. #StillGoing

Lists help me stay organized while motivating me to do all my household chores. Don’t get me wrong, cleaning and organizing is kind of my thing. However, without lists, I can’t stay on track and many things would get forgotten about in the middle of my hectic day-to-day events.

Free Printable Biannual Household Cleaning & Organization Checklist

Let’s Play & Good Sports St. Louis Pick-Pack-Play Update

I attended a local Pick-Pack-Play event this year as a Let’s Play Ambassador. Let’s Play is an initiative by Dr Pepper Snapple Group that provides kids and families with the tools, places and inspiration to make active play a daily priority by building and improving playgrounds and donating sports equipment to groups in need. Even though I am being compensated for my ambassadorship, I fully believe in the initiative. All opinions are my own.

Through Let’s Play, Dr Pepper Snapple Group partners with two non-profit organizations: KaBOOM! to build playgrounds and Good Sports, which provides grants for sports equipment to help make active play possible. Earlier this year, local St. Louis organizations in need of sports equipment had the chance to apply for one of these Good Sports equipment grants.

Pick-Pack-Play Supporting the Local St. Louis Community