For Mother’s Day, Join Me in the #SocialBlackout Movement

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“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. All opinions are my own.”


Blogging and working from home isn’t always easy. It requires lots of scheduling, self-discipline and balance. This week, after coming back from SoFabCon, I felt inspired and motivated to find ways to create a more manageable schedule. Not just for me, but to benefit my family as a whole. I need a schedule that doesn’t include countless nights with less than 5 hours of sleep. One I can work through without having email, Facebook and Twitter open every waking moment of the day to consistently create distractions. One that allows ‘me time’. Then, with perfect timing, Metlife creates another challenge for me: #SocialBlackout.

#SocialBlackout May 12

Metlife created the #SocialBlackout movement to encourage people to take the day and spend more time with their Mom and their families.  The idea of taking focus of our social feeds and what is going on in other people’s lives and shift it to the people around us.

The other day, I took my kids to the park and met up with a good friend. As we were chatting and playing with the kids, I looked around only to notice the majority of the adults had their phone in their hands occupied with something other than their children. I notice the same thing when I got out to eat at a restaurant. Instead of enjoying time with the people around them, so many have their heads down buried in their phones.

I have three amazing little boys and an incredible husband. I am sure they each will tell you they see me checking my phone way too often. Therefore, I will be accepting the #SocialBlackout challenge. Tomorrow, I am going to try my best to stay logged off all my social media accounts and spend quality time with my kids and husband. I am determined to fight all the urges to check my phone! I CAN DO IT!

If you want join or just spread the word, it’s easy. Some things you can do:

  • Join the #SocialBlackout event page
  • Invite your friends to join to the event
  • Change your profile picture to the image below
  • Log off Social Media on Mother’s Day

#SocialBlackout Badge

Can you stay logged off for a day?


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