5 Simple Tips for Tackling the Grocery Store with Little Ones

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Facts Up Front program. All opinions are my own.

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Grocery shopping is something that has to get done weekly. I use to enjoy casually strolling the aisles finding new products and brands to try. Once I became a mom, it wasn’t that easy anymore, especially when the third child was born. I had to quickly adapt to become more efficient on each trip.

Tips for Shopping with Little Ones

Trips to the grocery store can often end with kids fighting their way out of the cart, begging for items we don’t need, grabbing things off the shelves, or just bickering with each other. They are only 2, 3, & 4 years old so a tantrum can come at any time and quickly spread to all three of them. These are the times I find myself rushing through the store grabbing whatever I see first (disregarding the nutritional values) and forgetting pantry staples we desperately needed.

I would then find myself making numerous trips back to the store and repeating the scenario all over again. It had to stop. I tried going at night with no kids, but most nights I tried that, I was too exhausted by the end of the day. I use to be an extremely over-organized person. However, after having kids, for a short period of time I let those skills slip away. I have since found many helpful tips for tackling the grocery store with all the kids.

The process of making each grocery trip efficient starts at home. It isn’t just what I do at the store. Preparation and sticking to the plan is essential.

5 Tips for a Successful Grocery Shopping Trip

  1. Make a Menu Plan – Over the weekend, I plan all the meals for the following week. I base most meals off the sales from the store circulars. Each week I also like to try a new recipe or two, likes ones found on FactsUpFront.org.
  2. Make a List – Anything we are out of or almost out of, I add to a list throughout the week. When I do my menu plan for the week, I add the ingredients we need. Then, I take the list and re-write it in order of the store. I go to the same store 95% of the time and always shop it in the same order. This is important to be efficient because I can easily go right down the list and not jump all around. Put a Basket in the Cart for Produce
  3. Take a Small Snack – Sometimes a small snack for the little ones can make trip to the grocery store a breeze.
  4. Put a Basket in the Cart – I always get looks from cashiers and shoppers for this one. However, most shopping carts with cars for the kids are smaller and this helps organize the groceries quickly. I use the basket for all the small items (seasoning packets, cheeses) and for most produce (bananas, lettuce, berries). It also makes loading the checkout lane easier.
  5. Easily Scan Nutritional Information – Since I like to try new products and brands, I sometimes find myself searching packages for nutritional information. This means standing still for minutes trying to find, analyze, and compare it. For my boys, this is perfect opportunity to get restless and turn a pleasant grocery store trip into an unsuccessful one.

Facts Up Front Label

With the Facts Up Front label on a growing number of brands, finding key nutritional information is easy. Right on the front of the package, the calories per serving is displayed along with saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. This allows me to compare products without even picking them up and become informed quickly on important facts. This is a lifesaver for me at times.

Facts Up Front Label on Bread

The front-of-the-pack label was introduced by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Food Marketing Institute in 2011 and became the most significant reform on food and beverage labeling in over 20 years. For a busy mom trying to race through the grocery store, this is huge. I am happy to see many large food manufacturers include the Facts Up Front labels on their packages as well as store brands.

Not only are Facts Up Front label helpful, but their website is a great resource for me. I can conveniently plan healthful meals for my family with recipes, healthful diet tips and nutritional facts.

How will the Facts Up Front labels help you while grocery shopping?


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Facts Up Front program.

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5 comments on 5 Simple Tips for Tackling the Grocery Store with Little Ones

  • emily

    Great tips!! The list is so important for me. My hubs is deployed so I always have the kids!

  • mel

    What great tips! Take a small snack is something I do every time!

  • Terri

    these are great tips!

  • Kathleen Kennedy-Leon

    The up front labels make it quicker to compare foods–I love it as I’m a label reader. Great post-thanks for sharing

  • Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks)

    Great tips! I remember the days when shopping with the kiddos was so difficult! At least they are 7 and 9 now, so it makes things much easier!

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