Weekend DIY Project – Wood Race Car Track

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This DIY race track project is sponsored by P&G and the #BountyChallenge. All opinions expressed are my own.

It seems we always have projects going on in our house. My husband is pretty handy and tends to spoil the boys. Lately it’s been all about their play fort he’s been making. With all the wood we have laying around, we decided to make a new little toy for the kids that they can play with inside and outside.

DIY Wood Race Track

We have hundreds of Hot Wheels, cars, trucks and any other vehicle you can imagine in our house. Some days, I swear they are taking over every room. They have many different small tracks, courses, and other toys for the vehicles. We have been spending a lot of time outside lately, so we decided they needed something they could also use outside. So after another trip to Home Depot (our go-to store for all projects), we decided to build them a wood race track.

The best part about this project, is it can be done with scrap wood and the measurements can vary. You can make it as long, wide, and steep as you like. We started by cutting a 3/4×4″ piece of birch to about 20″ wide for the base.  Then, cut three strips 3 inches wide for the sides. We used birch because it doesn’t have knots, but pine is cheaper and can be used as well. After cutting the pieces, saw dust was everywhere.

Take the #BountyChallenge


A good way to clean saw dust off of lumber is with a wet paper towel. They key is to have a tough paper towel, or it will rip and tear on the wood. Bounty paper towels work great and didn’t rip on the wood when I cleaned up the mess. They definitely passed my #BountyChallenge.

How to Make a Wood Race Car Track #BountyChallenge

Back to the project. Screw the three sides to the base, creating two sections. You can make as many sections as you’d like.

DIY Wood Race Track Fold Up Option #BountyChallenge

To give it a slope, we used 2x4s and cut them 20″ long. Then, attached them with regular door hinges. This way there no need to mess with cutting angles and if you want, you can make it so it folds up. To do that, just drill a couple holes on the supports (as shown above) to fit dowels. You would cut it down so it doesn’t hang out so much. Then you can easily lock them in when in use and take them out to fold it up.

Make a Race Car Track for Outdoors #BountyChallenge

I painted the race track black, with a white finish line at the bottom. All the racing related stickers we have are too small, so I am going to try to find some larger ones for the boys to put on the track.

DIY Race Track #BountyChallenge

They had lots of fun with it already and it can also make for a great game during parties.

DIY Race Track. Perfect for Indoors or Outdoors

Do you have DIY project you have been wanting to complete? If so, enter to win a $250 Home Depot Gift Card.

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5 comments on Weekend DIY Project – Wood Race Car Track

  • MyKidsGuide

    That is so neat! My son would love playing with something like that, and it’s much cheaper than a fancy race track! Plus probably more durable!

  • Chelsea Day

    What a great idea! My sons would love this. Thanks for sharing.

  • Sheila

    That is a great idea and I bet my son would have loved that. Very creative!

  • Lisa Weidknecht

    That is AWESOME! Bounty is my favorite paper towel and I won’t buy anything else!

  • Cinny

    How clever is that!? Race tracks are always so much fun!

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