Beat Boredom with Random Simple Play Ideas

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This simple play bucket idea was written as part of my Let’s Play Ambassadorship. Even though I am being compensated, I fully believe in the initiative. All opinions are my own.

Play doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t require new purchases or toys. It can be simple ‘old fashion’ play. That’s actually my favorite type of play. To help beat boredom, I created this ‘Random Play’ bucket that’s great for days when the kids are home from school and those times they just keep saying ‘I’m bored‘.

Beat Kids' Boredom with Random Simple Play Ideas in a Bucket

This month has been all about giving thanks and while I try to do that year-round, Thanksgiving always brings it out more. As we wrap-up November today, I want to mention how thankful my family is for play. I am talking about good ol’ simple play.

Earlier this year when I had the honor of becoming a Let’s Play ambassador, I knew right away how fitting it was for me. Let’s Play is an initiative by Dr Pepper Snapple Group that provides kids and families with the tools, places and inspiration to make active play a daily priority by building and improving playgrounds and donating sports equipment to groups in need.

Each day I encourage my boys to get up and move, to play without electronics in hand and to spend time together as a family. This could be a walk, playing in the backyard or playing an organized game.

Leaf Outlines

There are times when there’s so much going on, that when they say ‘I’m bored’ I don’t have a quick response. So I decided to make a ‘Random Play’ bucket. You can simply write activities on a slip of paper, but to go along with the fall thankful theme, I used leaf shapes. If you want to do so, print out my leaves outline sheet on colored construction paper. You could also use white paper and have the kids color the leaves in while you come up with ideas together.


I decorated the outside of the bucket accordingly. No bucket? You can use a plastic bag, basket, or anything else you have on hand to hold the cutouts. I figured if mine stayed decorated, it would stay in sight for us to use more.

Spend a few minutes adding different activities on each cutout or slip of paper.

Need ideas to use? Head over to my post I shared today on Let’s Play for a list of simple play ideas. Then search the Let’s Play site for even more ideas.

While you are on Let’s Play, join me in taking the #LetsPlayPledge, pledging to play at least 60 minutes per week with our children.


Now when the kids get bored or we have some down time, they each take turns picking activities out of the bucket. For a ‘speed play’ version, set a timer for 5 minutes to limit each activity to shake things up.

What’s your favorite way to beat kids’ boredom?

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