As the first month of 2016 just came to an end, many are chattering about their resolutions failing, succeeding, changing, and/or coming together. However, I am not one to make resolutions at the beginning of the year. I am a list-maker. A goal maker. I always have an ongoing list of goals, long-term and short-term.
The first week of January, I saw friends posting about their word of the year. Not so much resolutions, but one simple, single yet powerful word. My friend Samantha is making 2016 her year to be fierce (which she is).
A word. 1 word to focus on. That is perfect for me. It is easy to focus on a specific word to be reminded of the bigger picture. It’s like having a theme for the year. Something to work on or improve on that can mean so much in all areas of our lives.
There were a few words that came to mind at first: focus, present, embrace, intentional, simplify.
Then it just kind of hit me.
It is perfect. I let 2015 take control of me: kids’ illnesses, burying myself in work, taking a break from running, losing confidence, feeling out of control.
This is my year to turn it around.
I will take control and get back on track.
Do you have a word for 2016?