Browsing CategoryHealth & Fitness

Happiness in Routine & Changes

With all three kids in school, those first few days were like everything got shaken and turned upside down. Not that it’s a bad thing, but for a person of routine, it is slightly alarming and difficult. Accepting changes and creating happiness for yourself takes guts. While this post is sponsored by Renew Life® Ultimate Flora Probiotics, all opinions are my own.

finding-happiness-routine-changesTracking Pixel

Easy-Prep Protein Smoothies with Premier Protein Shakes

Let’s talk fruit, shakes, smoothies, and protein. Do you prefer to make your own protein shakes or purchase them ready-to-drink? I have tried making them, shaking them, mixing them and everything else. What works best for me currently is purchasing ready-to-consume shakes, so I can easy take them on-the-go. While this post is sponsored by Premier Protein, all opinions are my own.

Easy-Prep Protein Smoothies with Premier Protein Shakes

Snacking Brighter & Staying on Track During the Summer

This snacking brighter post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OutshineSnacks #CollectiveBias

I love spring weather. That time when in the morning I need a light jacket and then it’s in the low 70s through the day. The time I can open the windows and let the fresh air breeze through the house. It’s the prefect running weather to me. But where did it go? I feel like spring just vanished. Non-existent. Poof. Gone.

Snacking Brighter & Staying on Track During the Summer #OutshineSnacks

Maintaining Body, Mind & Spirit in 2015 – St. Louis Edition

Today I am talking about body, mind, and spirit in St. Louis as part of a collaboration with ALIVE Magazine. All opinions are my own.  #BodyAndMindSTL

Leading a healthy lifestyle has increasingly became more and more important to me over the last year. After having three kids in less than three years, it took over 2 years for me to convince myself I have take time to focus on myself, not just the kids.

6 Ways to Maintain Your Body, Mind, & Spirit in St. Louis

10 Running Motivation Tips + 2 Printable Quotes

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BioSport #CollectiveBias

Over the past year, I discovered that I really wanted to start running again. Not only is the exercise great, but for me, it is a huge stress-reliever. No matter how exhausted I am after a run, I feel great. No matter how much pain I may be in or out of breathe I am, it was worth it. As I get back into it, I have found a few things that help me stay motivated and keep pushing me.
