SamanthaPosts Written By

Needed Spot Removal When Kids Take Over the Furniture

I’m sharing how I care for our furniture that my kids take over as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #ZepSocialstars

It’s easy to say that kids start taking over the house quickly as they grow up. From all their toys and games spread throughout to their favorite spots they claim as their own, I can tell you my boys have already taken over around here. No matter what room you walk into, you will find traces of at least one of them.

Proper Care & Spot Removal When Kids Take Over the Furniture #ZepSocialstars

Knight Activity Sheets & Snack Time Ideas

I’m sharing these knight activity sheets with Goldfish® Princess crackers & snacks as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. All opinions are my own. #GoldfishTales

With endless energy and a constant need to use their imaginations, keeping three kids busy and entertained can sometimes be difficult. My kids are yet to say, “I’m bored” but their actions can easily speak those dreaded words loudly.

Knight Activity Sheets (free printables included) and Snack Time Ideas #GoldfishTales

Snacking Brighter & Staying on Track During the Summer

This snacking brighter post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OutshineSnacks #CollectiveBias

I love spring weather. That time when in the morning I need a light jacket and then it’s in the low 70s through the day. The time I can open the windows and let the fresh air breeze through the house. It’s the prefect running weather to me. But where did it go? I feel like spring just vanished. Non-existent. Poof. Gone.

Snacking Brighter & Staying on Track During the Summer #OutshineSnacks

5 Essential Smoothie Ingredients

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.

I am a huge fan of smoothies. They are easy to change up, add variety, and I can improvise ingredients depending on what I have on hand. I can enjoy a smoothie in the morning, as a snack, or any time throughout the day.

Protein & Spinach Berry Smoothie

Spring Cleaning Outdoors: Things to Clean with a Pressure Washer

“I’m sharing things I clean with a pressure washer as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #ZepSocialstars”

In just a few weeks, school will be out and summer break will be here. I will be back to having all three energetic boys in the house all day long. That’s more fun activities, more planning, and less time I am going to have to do other things. Which means I need to make sure I have all my spring cleaning tasks completed beforehand.

Spring Cleaning Outdoors - Things to Clean with a Pressure Washer #ZepSocialstars

Our Dog Ellie & Her Healthy Lifestyle

I’m talking about my dog’s healthy lifestyle and serving her Cesar® home delights™ as part of a sponsored series with Socialstars. All opinions are my own. #CesarHomeDelights

Two years ago, even though we were talking about getting a puppy, I often talked myself out of it. At the time the boys were 1, 2, & 3 years old. How would we find a dog that would be good with little kids? Even more, could I handle the care for a new pup? A dog would be a sixth family member, so we went back and forth almost weekly deciding if it was the right time.

Our Healthy Happy Dog #CesarHomeDelights

5 Reasons to Cook with Kids + Vanilla Mini Donuts Recipe

“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for Holstein Housewares. I received product samples to facilitate this post well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

Cooking for a family of 5 (which includes 3 growing boys) means spending a lot of time in the kitchen. It means coming up with fun family-friendly meals and desserts for all to enjoy. It also means trying to get the food on the table in a timely fashion because the kids are always hungry and it always “takes forever” to make. One way to eliminate all this is getting the kids to help out in the kitchen.

Vanilla Mini Donuts Recipe